Yesterday, there were reports about Priyanka Chopra’s comeback to the Indian film industry, and the actress herself hinted at it. The latest report suggests that if all goes well, our beloved desi girl will bag a massive pan-India project, which will feature Mahesh Babu in the lead role. Yes, you read that right! And with this epic film, the actress will be able to make a strong comeback at the box office. Keep reading for a detailed report!
It’s been a long time since Priyanka was a part of a proper Indian commercial entertainer. If we talk about the last Indian theatrical release, PC was seen in The Sky Is Pink. Also starring Farhan Akhtar, the film received positive reviews from critics but failed at the box office. In India, it wrapped up its theatrical run at 20 crore net. Including 10.63 crore gross from overseas, the film earned just 34.23 crore gross at the worldwide box office.
If the latest Filmfare report is to be believed, Priyanka Chopra is in discussions for a film with Mahesh Babu, which SS Rajamouli will helm. Yes, it’s the same project, which is said to be the most expensive Indian film. If this film falls into the lap of PC, it’ll be a jackpot for her and a perfect comeback vehicle in the Indian film industry.
This upcoming Mahesh Babu and SS Rajamouli film is carrying immense hype on the ground. As Rajamouli is returning after RRR, the film is said to be a sure-shot entrant of the 1000-crore club. In fact, it’s also being touted as the first entrant of the 3000 crore club.
Even if this biggie earns 1000 crores at the worldwide box office, Priyanka Chopra will witness an epic jump in her box office. As mentioned above, her last Indian theatrical release (The Sky Is Pink) earned 34.23 crore gross globally. Compared with 34.23 crores, PC is going to witness a confirmed jump of 2821.41% with the Mahesh Babu starrer. Let’s see if she really bags the project.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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